Top 4 Facebook Fanpage Timeline Complaints & What You Can Do To Improve Your Experience!

top 4 facebook fanpage timeline

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Top 4 Facebook Fanpage Timeline Complaints & What You Can Do

To Improve Your Experience!

It has been just over a week since Facebook rolled out significant changes to

business timelines for every user who operates a business fanpage.

There has been no shortage of opinions flying every whichway on the web. Some people love the new Timelines and others are quite vocal about their distaste for the new rules, the new look, and the new feel.

top 4 facebook fanpage timeline

I recently shared an in-depth look into the latest Facebook fanpage changes which I’d like to share called, “BIG Facebook Timeline Changes to Business Fanpages – What you NEED to know!”

facebook fanpage changesI have found that the best cure for struggling is understanding and knowledge that may be applied. Today, I’d like to share some of the top challenges that I have been hearing people struggle with, as well as some actionable suggestions to help you get past these hiccups if  you are also struggling with them yourself.

Let’s address the top complaints about the new Facebook Timelines so that we can be proactive and constructive about how we use our new fanpages!

#1 Facebook Fanpage Gripe: It’s Mandatory

Let us remember that Facebook is free to all. Since Facebook is absolutely FREE to everyone, we should align our expectations of it. Expect to see ads targeted towards your demographic. Expect that Facebook reserves every right to change as it sees fit. This is simply how the world works!

I have witnessed a number of people taking a “but the customer is always right” assumption about Facebook.

I hate to rain on the parade, but that philosophy is not the end-all determining factor in a world that moves as quickly as the tech world, especially as it pertains to Facebook.

Cat Suggests

Keep in mind that Facebook is making markets and then moving them. The motto of Facebook is “move fast and break stuff.” If you can keep this in mind, you will see that Facebook isn’t taking time to ask what end users want. They have moved so far past having to ask questions like this because of how they deliver and analyze mass amounts of data. It is the data that provides everything these visionaries need and want before they make determinations as to how and when they make changes to our favourite social media site!

Remember that Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg has made BILLIONS of dollars in record time by offering his social media brainchild to the masses. If you want to keep up with the Titans in the industry, learn how they work and adapt your game so you can keep up and thrive in the environment!

#2 Facebook Fanpage Timeline Update Complaint: I’m not sure I even understand what the Timeline is yet…

This is a valid point where many are stuck.

If you listened to Mark Zuckerberg deliver his speech about what Timeline is (see here from ABC News) and you’re still confused, my recommendation is to visit the aforementioned post which details the changes to business fanpages due to the migration to Timeline here.

Cat Suggests

Remember that Timeline is simply a new way of expressing all the things that make each individual’s Facebook fanpage unique and exciting. It’s a collection of visual media, relevant applications, and a new way to share information across Facebook and the rest of the web. Timeline creates an opportunity for you to reach the planet in a way that is most visually stunning and effective!

#3 Facebook Fanpage Timeline Complaint: This is going to take up too much time to “get right!”

Anything in life which is new and worthwhile will surely create a bit of a learning-curve for the user, this is true. Having said that, making the seamless switch to Timeline does not  have to be an arduous task! In fact, I made the full transition to my own business Timeline fanpage in under 20 minutes – and I really took my time on it!

Cat Suggests

Carve out a small window of time for yourself to sit down with your new business fanpage so that you may acquaint yourself with the new features. I’m sure you will find that the new interface is extremely user-friendly and that it provides us with a logical and simplified way to understand what is happening within your business fanpage and how your fans are interacting with it!

#4 Facebook Fanpage Timeline Update Complaint: TMI!! (Too Much Information!!)

Now, I have heard this one come up quite a bit lately. I can certainly understand the concerns here if we were strictly speaking of personal Facebook pages (all though there are a number of ways to protect one’s private information on Facebook). However, we are discussing the business fanpages which have migrated over to Timeline.

The operative word in the last sentence was “business” (if you didn’t catch this).

Fanpages on Facebook are here for businesses. One may argue that if a business is truly in business that their doors must be open to the public. For this reason, I have seen no reasonable issues whatsoever in the transparency which Facebook Timeline serves to the world in fanpages. This is, in my opinion, one of the better aspects of Timeline: transparency.

Cat Suggests

Remember that each tool has context(s) for which they should be used. You wouldn’t use a screwdriver for a hammer’s job.

Facebook fanpages are designed to provide optimized means for you to communicate your value to your audiences and this is exactly what they do brilliantly. If you do not want specific data to be shared with the billions of potential engaging eyeballs that may grace your pages, simply do not share that information.

In summation…

Anything worth doing is worth doing well. Facebook Timeline offers business owners the chance to maximize their visibility and reach to consumers and enthusiasts around the world. Consider a healthy approach to this opportunity by first allowing yourself the chance to get to know some of the nuances which Facebook Timeline offers. And again, if you haven’t yet done so, read “BIG Facebook Timeline Changes to Business Fanpages – What you NEED to know!

Always remember that there is only ever one guarantee in life and that is change. When we know and anticipate this, we are in the headspace to learn, adapt, and grow! I encourage you to embark upon your Facebook Timeline transition with a diligent approach and the intent to capture attention and engage with your audience!

About Our Guest Blogger Catherine “Cat” Alexandra:

guest blogger catherine alexandra

Cat Alexandra is a dynamic and quirky lady, who started her relationship marketing pursuits in 1997 as a “broke as a joke” college kid in Houston, TX hustling to make the rent. Since then, she’s mastered the skillsets that made her a full timer in the online network marketing business, as well as principal investor of a private equity firm. She is a mover, a shaker, and adoer who is committed to helping the 85% of folks who are sick of their indentured servitude and are ready to become the success stories that most people only dream about! Aside from marketing, Cat holds interests in energy work and is a QiGong practitioner, an animal advocate (working actively with rescues in her metro area), spirituality, researching the origins of the world’s holy texts, and alternative news from great sources like Red Ice Radio and Project Camelot . Cat is passionate about her human duty to be a good steward while she’s here, so every day is a productive one spent helping others as much as possible!

Learn more from Cat at her Internet Marketing Success blog here:

Connect with me on Twitter, Facebook Fanpage, Youtube, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.

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