5 Reasons Why to Be On Instagram

5 reasons to be on instagram

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5 Reasons Why to Be On Instagram

Why should you be on Instagram for business?

Instagram: The Concept

Instagram is a social networking photo sharing service that allows the users to upload and share pictures on different networking sites. The most common social networking sites through which Instagram shares the images are Facebook and Twitter.

5 reasons to be on instagram

Instagram – The Benefits

Instagram definitely has its share of benefits. Many businesses have started using Instagram to create stronger relationship with clients. Businesses can easily upload pictures of their services and products while applying some sort of the digital filter in several social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook via Instagram photo-sharing application. This helps in creating a positive brand name for their business.

Another benefit of using Instagram is that it allows the uploader to share images and share information through hashtags. It is the hashtags that help in gathering all the necessary search results and organizing them categorically on the website of Instagram. In fact, this concept helps in getting connected with other notable heads on the industry as well customers in a very effective way.

How Can You Use Instagram For Business?

You can use Instagram to show off your products, services, show how things are made, show what your products can do, before and after pictures, portfolio of your work, events, and more. You can post questions with your picture to your follower to get the conversation started and engage.

Does Instagram Drive Traffic?

Definitely! Instagram provides shortcut badges to business brands to drive heavier traffic. Any business and brand can simply include an Instagram icon onto their web portals to notify clients about their photo-sharing profiles. Instagram not only has launched the OPP (Online Profile Page) but it also offers a significant way for the brands to make clients look at the profiles with more intensity. Instagram has introduced icons and shortcut badges that can easily link to the client brand’s Instagram profile. It is easier for the businesses to place icons on a brand’s online portal that encourages a single click access to the profiles. This allows the businesses greater chance to highlight their services and promotional offers. Facebook owns Instagram. And according to Facebook officials, there is a strong demand for Instagram feature from Facebook users. Instagram badges are designed to help brands bring more clients to their profile pages while driving up more traffic to the Instagram site. This also helps in introducing more clients to the Instagram concept. The end result: more Instagram users to look out for.

You can also use hashtags in Instagram. This is important  when people are searching. They can find your brand and pictures when you use the hashtags correctly.

Does Instagram Push Your Brand Out?

Again, a very common question. The answer is a BIG YES. Instagram, at its present stage, can be highly beneficial in developing a very distinct and winning personality for the business. When combined with some other type of social media, Instagram can be highly beneficial in pushing your brand out to a different height. It is an excellent promotional concept that takes advertising to an altogether different level. It also provides a great opportunity to figure out about the client reactions about the business and brand while calculating  the potential leads. However, the quality of photos being uploaded and shared makes a big difference. It is something that needs to be focused on strongly in order to allow Instagram to push your brand to a great height. Sharing the right set of photos through can make wonders for your business in gaining positive remarks from prospects.

How Can You Use Instagram To Market Your Brand And Business?

Before any further discussion, let’s provide a very simple fact about Instagram: it is very easy to use. This application allows the user to create great images with little effort. In fact, sharing the images on social networking sites through Instagram is simple, fast, and extremely easy. Sharing photos to social networking sites like Twitter, Flickr, Tumblr, and Facebook can be done directly through Instagram. In fact, Instagram can also be used to share photos through private emails. Use this to drive traffic back to your website or Facebook fan page.

Now, coming to the actual point – does Instagram help in marketing a particular brand and business? Yes, definitely yes! It does and does it with absolute ease. Instagram allows the option of visual concept sharing without any sort of cheap advertisements. It is something like visual storytelling that effectively does that promises higher continuity & more artistic value than any of the other platforms present. Instagram profiles simply focuses on business awareness and product branding. The concept of clickable links in comments and captions are absent in this approach. Instagram uses a very simple yet effective way to market your business and brand. Also, being mobile is preferred by most of the businesses for promotional campaigns.

Instagram & Facebook – The Connection String

Instagram can be easily connected to Facebook by simply tapping on the Instagram’s profile tab. Once the profile tab is tapped, a new window will open that says, “Edit Sharing Settings”. Tap the new window and select “Facebook” from the list of social network site opitons being displayed. After selecting “Facebook”, simply log in to get connected.

Back To You…

Are you following any brands on Instagram? If you are using this for your business feel free to share with others how you are using it for your businesss. Leave your comments below.

About Our Guest Blogger Diana Maria:

Guest Blogger Diana Maria

Diana is a writer/blogger by profession. She loves writing, traveling, and reading books. She contributes to David Fett

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Connect with Diana on Facebook, Twitter, and business Twitter World Financial Group.

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