How To Build Your Business With Content Marketing Buzz

Content Marketing Buzz

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How To Build Your Business With Content Marketing Buzz

Do You Want To Convert Prospects Into Raving Fans And Customers?

Do you want to look like the expert in your field? Do you want people come to you instead of your competitor. You can with quality content and content marketing that attracts them. Like bees buzzing around a sweet flower you are creating your own business buzz, and attracting prospects with your content marketing.  In this post we will discuss building your business buzz with content marketing and how getting content will get you leads. Those that will adapt to this change will bloom.

Content Marketing Buzz

What Are The Flaws Of Traditional Advertising?

Traditional ad companies interrupt customers with mediums such as radio, billboards, yellow pages, local newspaper, magazine, T.V. commercials, etc.

These types of advertisements interrupt customers as they’re doing something else like listening to the radio or driving on the freeway. These ads do not provide value to the customer and don’t offer any inherent reason for them to see it. These types of ads only capture attention for a brief time, interrupt customers instead of giving them value, and end up being very expensive. They do not reach a wide mass audience as the Internet or social media does. You want to place your advertising where the customers are searching and hanging out.

Click On The Video Below To See The 4 Preparation Steps For Content Marketing:

What Is Content Marketing?

Is there a way to reach prospects without interrupting or spamming them?

Where do you get people that want to hear your message instead of doing everything they can to avoid it? Is there a way to advertise on a shorter budget and be where the customers are? Yes, yes, and yes!  Just as a beautiful flower attracts the bees, creating new content will have your business prospects buzzing around your content marketing.

Content marketing is the art of communicating with your customers and prospects without selling. It is an Internet marketing strategy that incorporates the art of mixing of creation and publication of original content. People want to decide based on their own information gathering. This includes blog posts, articles, case studies, white paper, videos, emails, and photos. Unlike traditional advertising that interrupts customers to get noticed, content marketing is the free content customers are looking for and want. The purpose of content marketing is to generate leads, enhancing a brand’s visibility, and making your company look like the expert. Repeated and regular exposure of your brand can build a relevant relationship to get them to know, like and trust you.

Providing value to prospects can be done in two ways. The first is educational content and second is as entertainment.  Educate your customers to the point that they are ready to purchase your product or services. Then keep them buzzing around your business by entertaining them. Your prospects are searching for answers so give it to them. Focus on their needs, common questions, common problems, and be a friendly helpful resource that answers questions for them.

Why Should You Use Content Marketing?

Competition is getting stronger on the Internet and content marketing can help you stand out. People will recognize your brand if they keep seeing it.

Content marketing generates qualified leads while it engages prospects in a branded environment without busting their budget. It is a great marketing tool that also helps to educate consumers on the products and services they use. This is the subliminal converting factor as it makes you look like the authority figure they want to follow. You can capture prospects names, email, and phone number on your website. Through the autoresponder you can communicate to prospects with emails and give them more value. This builds a relationship where they feel like they know, like, and trust you. After this is established, it maintains customers retention and loyalty.

Take advantage of content marketing and all of the other ways you can promote your site online.

Each blog post, video and article will last for the life of your business and you will give you a great return on your investment. You can reach thousands of people with just one post or video that took only a few hours to produce.  It will show up on the search engines in the organic (free) section. You can create content that will be shared over the Internet on social media.

Great Content Is Rewarded By Users Through The Search Engines.

In 2011 Google’ Panda update penalized sites that had no value to the web user in SERPs. 

The unique, new, and fresh content is what the search engines look for. Google wants to remove poor quality content from the search results and reward high quality sites with improved rankings.  Creating content just isn’t enough anymore. Make your content stand out by making it newsworthy with keywords, tips, videos, infographics, slideshows, and more.

What Are Examples Of Content Marketing?

The follow ways are examples of making your business more visible by using content marketing which informs or teach your prospects:

– Creating and regularly updating a blog.

– Writing articles for online trade publications.

– Writing guest posts for established blogs.

– Creating presentations that solve a problem and posting it

– Publishing an email newsletter online through social sharing services.

– Article marketing.

– SEO copywriting.

– Niche research services.

– Video marketing.

– Social media marketing.

– Blogging.

– Ebooks.

– Podcasts.

– Webinars.

– Enewsletters.

How Can Social Media Help?

Major players like Google are basing their futures on technologies that facilitate content sharing.

The social media site Google Plus uses what you “plus” and share to help your friends in their search results. With search results becoming increasingly customized, quality content is the secret key to social media success. Google Plus gathers information on your previous search behavior and then it adds what your friends have given a “plus” to.

When you are searching for a dentist in Woodbury, MN for example, if there is any content the search engines can gather  from your friend’s comments or have given a “plus” in their  searches to that particular dentist will be given a higher rating.  As a business owner you can places your videos, articles, and blog posts on social media sites. The more people share it the more it will get to search engines and give your business a boost.

Do you have any tips to personally add about “Content Marketing”? If so, please comment below.

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