The Latest Changes In SEO…
As of March 2012, Google has been making some SERIOUS changes when it comes to their SEO (Search Engine Optimization) algorithm. This change actually will change everything that we know about including how sites are now ranked and what the penalties will be.
So here’s a quick overview of what’s to come and how you can prevent being penalized for it.
Changes in SEO (Penalties):
1) Over optimizing a site/article – meaning you tag and hyper link the keyword consistently.
E.g. Adil Amarsi is an amazing copywriter.
If the keyword was Adil Amarsi and is constantly put as a hyper link, you will be penalized.
2) Not having any social standing – if your site doesn’t have any or very little Social Standing then you will be in trouble.
This is a bad thing, because your search ranking will be determined by how viral your content is and how much people like what you write.
3) Not using WordPress – Yep it’s official, Google proclaimed it’s love for WordPress as their favorite site for bloggers.
By doing so it makes your sites more customizable but more so helps the site get a higher ranking for it. Not to mention the social plugins on WordPress eliminate threat number 2.
Here’s how you can help yourself and make sure you’re safe.
1) The over optimization of the site is quite bad but there is a way to get over it.
This method actually includes creating hyperlinks but you have to do it correctly. Going back to our earlier example with the keyword “Adil Amarsi”. The way you would structure a sentence would be like this:
“Adil Amarsi is an amazing copywriter and has done so much work for x and y clients. Copywriting Clients of Adil Amarsi”
As you can see the word “Copywriting Clients” before the keyword helps Google have the search ranking by seeming a little less optimized.
2) By going viral you will definitely have yourself a new advantage. The best thing to do is utilize YouTube, Facebook & Twitter, as well as LinkedIn to make your site very sociable.
The best way to do this is by getting social plugins but more so using call to action buttons in your post and asking your readers to share your message. This is an awesome way to get people to syndicate your content.
Another way is to start using podcasts and having them link to your site and have people share them too.
This is something you NEED to be doing; it’s no longer a matter of “Gimmicks”. Rather a new way that Google has gone ahead and changed it’s algorithm, which can make it harder for former SEO masters.
Check out more articles and Internet marketing product reviews by Adil Amarsi at his main site – located here
About Our Guest Blogger Adil Amarsi:
Adil Amarsi is an internationally renowned copywriter and SEO expert. He has been working with some of the top experts in the fields of marketing (online and offline), dating, self-development and corporate businesses.
Connnect with me on Google+, Facebook, Twitter and my Website.
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