7 Ways To Boost Your Content For Social Media
Are you using social media effectively?
Are you using social media to drive traffic, leads, engage with fans, and increase sales? Do you want blog articles, videos, and other posts to have more shares? Have you heard of the word, “content marketing” and had no idea what is but felt you should know? In this article we will discuss 7 ways to boost your content for social media.
What Is Content Marketing?
Content marketing is a marketing technique of creating consistent valuable content to share it to attract and retain more customers and fans.
Why Should Small Businesses Invest In Content Marketing?
Smaller businesses don’t have huge budgets like a large business. They need to build brand awareness and leads with a limited budget. Content marketing is a great way for a small business to do both.
Here are other great benefits of content marketing for small businesses:
• Build brand awareness
• Be an authority in your niche
• Create loyalty and trust
• Position your business as an expert in your industry
• Generate traffic to your website
• Provide value to your customers and fans
• Educates your products and services
Content Marketing And Social Media
Did you know that content marketing and social media are interconnected? After you create a blog post, infographic, vlog, etc you post it on social media to dispense it out. Social media then can promote your content when it gets a lot of shares and likes. Depending on what social media platform you use it can also have SEO benefits and boost your ranking too. When they are used together they can give your marketing a boost.
So how can you boost your content marketing to make the most out it and get more shares and likes?
Here Are The 7 Ways To Boost Your Content For Social Media:
Tactic #1-Choose A Catchy Headline That Stands Out
First impressions are everything. Before someone decides to read your blog post or watch your Youtube video they will read the title first. If it doesn’t relate to them they won’t read or watch the video.
A great article headline will draw the readers and glorify what the information is all bout. Just look at a magazine and check out all the headlines that are on the front page. A good headline can make or break your content marketing strategy.
Tactic #2- Compelling Images
Does your blog post or article have any images in it? People are more likely to read it with compelling images. When there is a lot of text it can turn them off. Images can help deliver the intended message with bigger impact. It can help organize your paragraphs and content. People remember images and think in pictures. Using pictures will make it more memorable. The image should add to the article or blog post. If it breaks up too much text it can lose its purpose and be a turn off.
Tactic #3- Relate To The Audience
Is your content relevant to the audience? What will they learn if they read it? Think of frequently asked question you get from your customers and fans. Those questions they ask would make a great subject for your content marketing. You can educate them on your services and products. Relate to the audience of why they should read it.
Telling stories and giving examples are a great way to relate to your audience. Your writing style should be in a language they can understand. If you use too many technical terms it can turn them off.
Tactic #4- Share Content In Groups & Communities
Did you know there are groups and communities on Facebook and Google Plus on all different types of subjects? After you have your blog post up besides sharing it on your fanpage you can share it to the community. Depending on your niche and what groups you are in they are more likely to share your content than say your friends and neighbors. The groups you join are about its members and how the group can provide value for them.
Tactic #5- Optimize For SEO
Use keywords throughout your post. Try to include them throughout your article without it looking spammy or hard to read. They should be placed in the title, headings, introduction, conclusion, anchor text, and pictures etc.
Add SEO title and meta description. Just about all the SEO plugins will allow you to type in what you want for you SEO title and meta description.
Use hashtags when possible to get your content found. Check out our article, “Brand Exposure With Hashtags For Every Day Of The Week”.
Tactic #6- Make Using Google+ A Priority
Google plus is owned by Google. When you post an article on Google+ it can improve your search ranking. So when someone is looking for something on Google and it has your keyword in it your article can show up. Check out our article, “Love that Google+!”
Tactic #7- Add Social Sharing Buttons
This may seem obvious to most bloggers and marketers but to someone who is doing their blog themselves or a newbie they might skip over this step. Adding social sharing buttons at the bottom of you posts encourages users to take action and share.
Back To You…
Do you agree with the 7 tactics from above? What tactics are you doing to optimize your social media posts? What other tactics should be added to this list? Do you feel content marketing and social media are helping your business?
Follow the St. Paul Marketing Team on social media if you haven’t yet!